Czech General medicine – main program

Kateřina Michenková, 3st year of Czech General medicine
The best thing about medicine is its fast progress and rapid development. Even after graduation, there is still the opportunity to learn new things and improve one’s own skills. The studium is only the beginning and after its completion, many doors will open to graduates with various possibilities of application. I believe, that the work of a doctor is essential and allows people to find meaning in their profession. From my own experience, I would recommend all applicants to opt for the study at the Third Faculty of Medicine, which in all respects fulfills exactly what I expected from my studies.

Sára Zbožínková a Damián Zverec, 3st year of Czech General medicine
We have always been very curious and ever since we were little children, we enjoyed watching the world around us. As time went on, we became more and more aware that in addition to natural sciences, we also enjoyed working with people. This faculty fascinated us with its unique modular teaching system, welcoming approach to students and enjoyable student life. It was in Dobronice that we realized that our decision was the best step towards our new stage of life. If you are also looking for the right balance between quality education and a colourful social life, the Third Faculty of Medicine is a perfect fit for you.

Ondřej Holčák, 4nd year of Czech General medicine
I decided to study medicine, because I have always been fascinated by the work of doctors and I always interested myself in the mysterious functions of the human body. I chose the Third Faculty of Medicine for its renowned modular system of teaching, which I perceive very modern. I like the way the information from different subjects is connected. Another reason is the casual mood of the faculty, friendly approach of older students and oftentimes also a hearty attitude of professors towards students.

Tamara Maňáková, 4rd year of Czech General medicine
Already in high school, I started thinking about studying medicine. Science subjects were my favourites and I knew that in the future I wanted to work in a field that would develop the skills I already acquired from these subjects. That’s why I decided to study at the Third Faculty of Medicine. I was mainly interested in its complex modular system, which focuses on connecting all areas. So I went to the Doors Open Day to find out as much as I could about the faculty. I was surprised by the extremely friendly atmosphere, cross-year cooperation and the professors’ approach towards students. We’re such a big family here.