International Federation of Medical Students Association is an independent organization with more than 1.5 million medical students from 123 countries. Our goal is to unite and connect medical students who aim to help others, to improve public health and to receive the best possible education, so that when they become doctors, they act humanly and in accordance with the ethical and moral code.
IFMSA’s scope of action is very diverse and structurally divided into 6 committees. Each of these offers different projects, therefore everyone can find what interests them the most.
If you are rather interested in what IFMSA deals with, then watch this short video from our students. 🙂
At SCOME (Standing Committee for Medical Education) we work together to make medical studies as interesting, enriching and manageable as possible. So that we become the best doctors possible.
Therefore we organize these events
- Medical Tutoring – pre-exam online workshops with older students
- Get to know your specialization – online lectures with doctors from various fields, who will tell you everything you ever wanted to know about neurosurgery, pathology, ophthalmology and many more
- ECG in practice – online workshops where you’ll learn to “decipher” various physiological and pathophysiological ECG curves and how to use them for differential diagnosis
- and others such as Surgical suturing, MediCafé or Natural Cultural Days
Medical Tutoring Surgical suturing Surgical suturing National cultural days
At SCORA (Standing Committee for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Including HIV&AIDS) we try to spread awareness about safe sex and inform high school students and middle school students about everything they need to know. We are currently organizing the following projects:
- Movember – as a moustache is the symbol of November. The purpose of this event is to educate about men’s health
- WAW – World AIDS Week – events related to HIV/AIDS prevention and to efforts to destigmatize and support the infected. We talk to people about sexually transmitted diseases, sell ribbons, hand out condoms, arrange a testing ambulance and have fun at Love-party
Love-party Prsakoule od Loono WAW WAW WAW Movember Movember
At SCOPH (Standing Committee for Public Health), you can get involved in several projects dealing with health and awareness-raising activities in the field of prevention.
- For life – we teach high school students first aid – mainly resuscitation, how to stop bleeding and how to approach an unconscious person
- Teddy Bear Hospital – a visit to kindergartens, treatment of stuffed animals and having fun with children who playfully get rid of their fear of a white coat
- A smile for everyone – we try to invent fun activities for the elderly, who, especially in these difficult times, do not have many reasons to smile.
We also cooperate with other Prague medical faculties in organization of World Diabetes Day and World Health Day, which aim to spread awareness about the importance of prevention.
WDD Úsměv všem Pro život Vánoční přánička WDD
SCOPE (Standing Committee for Professional Exchange) is the section for internships. After finishing the third year, every medical student has the opportunity to spend 4 weeks in a medical facility outside of Czechia or even outside of Europe. SCOPE takes care of the organization of these trips and the arrival of foreign students to Czechia. Do you want to meet medical students from all over the world? Would you like to learn about their culture or their different approach to medicine?
With SCORE (Standing Comittee on Research Exchanges), medical students can go for research exchanges abroad. As soon as in 2nd year, students can go to almost any country in the world and join research team at top research facilities, universities and hospitals for a full month and contribute to advancements in various field of modern medicine – including, but not limited to basic research (such as Cell Biology or Genetics), research on pathology or drug development, and clinical research of various diseases. During the exchange, there are a lot of possibilities to delve deeper in the specific topic, as well as learn about principles and methods in research, also factoring in the culture of hosting country and how the research approaches reflect those differences.
NFDP NFDP NFDP Welcome dinner NFDP Welcome dinner NFDP
SCORP (Standing Committee for Human Rights & Peace) activities are for everyone who is not indifferent to what is happening around them and in the world or for those who just want to broaden their horizons. Basically, it is a place where you can pursue your interests that are not purely of a medical nature.
- Medics for the planet – a project that deals with zero waste, sustainable economy, environmental pollution and what improvements we can make ourselves
- Human Rights Day – held together with International Human Rights Day
- Letter Writing Marathon – in cooperation with Amnesty International and around the Human Right Day everyone writes a letter – for example, an appeal to release a political prisoner.
- Christmas sugaring – singing of Christmas carols at the faculty with a fair and a punch, at the Christmas markets with fund-raising for hospices and performances at FNKV hospice and ÚVN (the Military University Hospital).
- A series of war and emergency medicine – a series of lectures on various topics in the field of war medicine in cooperation with Médecins sans frontières
- Christmas sugaring
Human rights day - Christmas sugaring
- Christmas sugaring