Online calls at the 3rd Faculty of Medicine
We are very sorry that this year’s Doors Open Day cannot take place face to face at our faculty, that we cannot see you in person and mainly that you cannot personally see the premises of our faculty. Despite the current situation, we have prepared an online event for you, through which we will try to create the right atmosphere. We know that this cannot replace the in-person form, but we still hope that you will like our online version of this year’s Doors Open Day.
You can look forward to a discussion forum and calls with the older students, the Vice-Dean for Undergraduate Education and Student Affairs and the representatives of the study division. During those you will find out about everything that is essential to know about the faculty, the admission procedure, studies, leisure and practically anything you want to know.
Are you worried that there won’t be enough time for your questions? Don’t despair. The calls will take place in groups via ZOOM throughout the entire January. If you want to find out anything, be sure to sign up! Wondering how to get on the call? If you sign up, you will receive an email with a direct ZOOM link, where the call will take place.
Dates of online calls